Engage in the Discussion

Welcome to the Second Annual Spaceflight Human Optimization and Performance summit (SHOP-24)!

We are thrilled to embark on the second edition of this conference, building on the momentum generated by the success of our inaugural event. In 2023, scientists, engineers, physicians, and astronauts gathered to discuss the historical aspects of exercise in space, offering a glimpse into the future. Since then, NASA launched its first rocket to orbit the moon since 1972, setting the stage for upcoming human missions in the coming years.

The Artemis mission presents intriguing challenges that will vary based on the mission’s length and scope. Distinct countermeasures may be employed during the journey to the moon compared to those utilized once a permanent moon base is established. This year’s summit will feature talks from NASA’s Human Physiology, Performance, Protection, and Operations Team, along with other NASA and contracted scientists and engineers. Discussions will span current scientific advancements, equipment selection, constraints, and future plans for technology development. Our aim is to continue and deepen the dialogue initiated in 2023 within the broader human performance community.

Our team is excited to announce that the conference location has been moved to Space Center Houston, directly adjacent to the NASA-Johnson Space Center. Looking ahead to SHOP-24, we will have more talks from industry, academia, government, commercial spaceflight, and practitioners worldwide. These discussions will delve into human health in space, addressing critical questions that must be answered before humans embark on longer missions or eventually establish colonies on the moon or Mars.

We sincerely hope you find the conference engaging, exciting, and filled with valuable, applicable information. We eagerly anticipate contributions from the broader human performance community as we collaboratively work towards supporting human exploration of space. We look forward to your participation and hope to see you soon!


Corey Twine, MS, CSCS
Astronaut Strength, Conditioning, and Rehabilitation Specialist

William (Bill) Amonette, PhD, CSCS
Associate Professor of Exercise Science Executive Director, Health & Human Performance Institute